Prayer Small Groups

Prayer Small Groups

These Small Groups are centered around a time of agreeing with one another in prayer.


Leader: Lynn Layfield

Meeting: the first Monday of every Month at 7:30 PM

Location: Union church room b

Join both men and women from around Tifton for a time of devotion and prayer for our region. The group will meet the first Monday of every month at 7:30 PM for Bible study and prayer.

Pray First

Leader: Pastor Todd Garner and margaret reed

meeting: Tuesdays at 7pm

location: Union Church Sanctuary

Tuesday prayers kicks off our weekend worship experiences as we cover Sunday in prayer. We spend time in individual prayer and then come together to pray the 5: souls to be saved, disciples to be made, to be a life-giving culture of healing, hope, and help, become debt free, and for the resources to come into Union Church. Be a part of this exciting prayer time.