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Growth Track

What is the Growth Track?

The Growth Track is our three-part, process that's designed to help you grow in your relationship with God. Growth Track is designed to teach you about our church culture, help you discover the gifts God gave you, and show you how to use those gifts to live out your purpose.

Step One: Faith 101

Every Wednesday at 6:00 PM

In Faith 101 we discuss the foundation of our faith and who we are as believers. We also walk through your spiritual gifts together and discuss how your personality compliments those gifts so they can be used to make a difference in peoples lives.

You can click here to sign up for the next Faith 101.

Step Two: Union 101

Next meeting: October 27, 12:15PM following the 11:00 service

Union 101 is your path to membership, serving, and learning about the culture of Union Church. Here's what you can expect:

  • Meet Pastor Todd and the Union Leadership Team.
  • Hear about the heart and vision of Union Church as well as its history.
  • Opportunities to ask questions about anything involving Union Church.
  • Opportunities to become a member, join a small group, and sign up to serve.
  • Lunch and childcare provided.

You can click here to sign up for the next Union 101.

Step Three: Serve 101

Different for every team

We have an incredible group of people who give their time to serve at Union Church and they are know as the "Dream Team". The Dream Team do everything from greeting first-time guests, leading a small group, serving in children’s ministry, stocking bathrooms, mentoring students, keeping our campuses clean, ministering on social media, or meeting plenty of other practical needs at Union!

Serve 101 is the gateway onto the Dream Team. Everyone's step will look different, depending on the team you sign up for and some teams have special requirements that will be expressed once you begin the process. The only prerequisite for every team is you must attend Union 101 before going through the Serve 101 process.

You can click here to begin the Serve 101 process.