Water Baptism Insterested in getting water baptized? Click Here

Get Involved

Take your next step!

We know everyone is in a different place in their journey. No matter what step you're on, we want to help you take your NEXT step!

Join us in person

We know watching online is convenient but we believe praying, worshipping, and hearing the Word together can bring you closer to a community of healing, hope, and help!

Water Baptism

Have you recently made a decision to follow Christ? We want to encourage you to make that outward declaration of faith by being baptized.

Join a Small Group

Life is better with YOU! Small Group sign-ups for this semester have started! Check out our groups below and sign up today!

Join the Dream Team

We believe everyone has gifts and talents and we want you to use them for the Kingdom of God! Whether you are still discovering your purpose or you're ready to make a difference we want to help. Growth Track 101 meets every month on the second Sunday. This is your first step in serving at Union.